What is Hydroponics Farming?
Hydroponics Farming or Urban Farming Technologies is increasingly being set up to commercially produce edible crops.
This environmentally sustainable method provides a solution to many conventional farming and food shortage problems, especially in highly urbanized countries.

Benefits of Hydroponics Farming
๏ Require smaller land size as small as 50% of conventional farms.
๏ Reduced water resource requirement, using as little as 10% of water compared to conventional farming.
๏ Minimised risk of pests & diseases
๏ Fast harvesting time

Introducing HydroFAC

HydroFAC is a complete smart hydroponics system, consists of modular designed components. The system is applicable to small size farm starting from 200 sq. meter to large commercial farm.
HydroFAC systems come with special design hydroponics rack that will move on a conveyor system. This conveyor system will enable the crops growing process to be automated. The followings shows an overview of the working principle of the system.
Key Features of HydroFAC
๏ Highly automated
๏ Minimal Maintenance
๏ Smart control
๏ Modular and scalable
๏ 24/7 online monitoring
๏ Flexible crops adaptive control
Technical Journey

Farm EYE –
Monitoring Platform
Farm EYE is a remote monitoring and control system that provides various smart sensors and CCTV to help monitor the farm around the clock.
Information can be easily viewed via computer or smartphone.
Web-based CCTV, smart IoT sensors will provide you with all-day information and conditions of your farm.

Interested to find out more about Urban Farming Technologies? Feel free to contact us!