Produce faster without compromising on quality
The NX1 can utilize information, take safety measures, and control quality while at the same time improving production efficiency through high-speed, high-precision control.
This contributes to continuous improvement in productivity.
Real-time traceability
The NX1 provides high-speed control while utilizing information.
For example, the NX1 used for a packaging machine with the capability of handling 1,000 products per minute can collect all traceability data in synchronization with the production cycle while performing motion control.
Integrated safety across production line
The NX1 is one of the industry’s pioneers to integrate two different open networks: EtherNet/IP™ for scalable safety control in production lines and EtherCAT® for fast and reliable redundant safety control in machines. Furthermore, it integrates safety control into machine control in lines that require fast cycle times. This integration allows you to standardize machines and build fexible lines.
Introducing NX102 Machine Automation Controller